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Stronger than Fate Page 4

  “Since when did you become so obsessed pushing Skye to me James?”

  The other shrugged. “I’ve said my piece. I’m done. I’ll send you your schedule later tonight. After the meeting, what’s left of the afternoon till the evening, you’re free.”

  * * * *

  Blasted meeting it had been. Two of his official betas, namely Jules and James, weren't keen with developing the mountain side. He too was on that decision. Developing was a plain sugarcoated term for 'destructing' a part of the habitat that made them free being human and part shifters. It was their sanctuary during full moon. The benefits of protecting said valleys outweighed the things Tiago wanted. But the man was so such an insisting fellow the meeting took another one and a half hour to drill into him 'no'.

  Rustom ran as fast as he could. Leaving using the back entrance of the district hall, the trail snaked along wide fields of rice, gleaming and swaying like golden waves under the streaks of the setting sun. He took his coat and slung it over his shoulders while on the run. He relished the strong wind against his face, the gravity trying to pull him down. But he'd been running this same path, every month he could do it with his eyes closed.

  His legs slowed down, his lungs expanding in and out as he scented the air. He'd ran a good three miles away from the district hall, plain sweetness of the rice-field, familiar noises of the wild filling in his senses.

  He brushed a drop of sweat on his right temple, his eyes not leaving the emerging fading white paint of the two story brick house as old as the massive olive tree trying to reach the skies. The little window on the second floor had the slight yellow glint contrasting the darkness slowly creeping in.

  Casually, he continued walking. The scent in the air as he got closer carried the same scents he knew, with the added extreme hot and needy smell of lemon grass tingling with vanilla. He was used to this. He knew how to deal with this since Skye's mating pheromones started kicking in when the younger man turned fifteen. It was a stress he, James, and Jules had to try solving when they all realized their youngest member in their inner circle of friends was allergic to the only thing that could help him not draw attention during his heat.

  At last, with his father, the previous supreme alpha proposed Skye staying far away from the district proper during his heat. Of course the man had said it while shaking his head, finding it amusing that three young adults were scurrying around as if their daughter was being given as a tribute to some beast. In a way it was. Omegas in heat were so vulnerable they could set even the best controlled alpha losing his rational thinking.

  He slowly drew a breath, willed himself and ignored the calling scent for a mating partner coming from the house.

  The house wasn't all that big. Paint crusting at a closer look. The roofing would need replacing. But he knew the insides had been catered for Skye's needs. Electricity, bed, a bathroom. The place was old but cozy, the little awning just below the window was Rustom's monthly regular perch. He jumped into the space of the awning, slid down and sat with his back against the wall. The large rectangular window, slightly open, was a little above his head.

  "Rustom?" Skye rasped. It was as if the younger man had crawled his way all the way from his bed to sit on the opposite side of the wall where Rustom was seated.

  "Here," Rustom called back. "Meeting took longer. But at least I managed to save the valleys. Tiago’s so traditional sometimes but apparently very modern when it comes to making money."

  "Sorry," Skye croaked. His voice sounded too raw.

  "Nothing to be sorry about. That’s my job. How are you doing there?"

  "Feels hot. I've gnawed on all of the pillows. I want to pounce on something. I want to climb on to someone," Skye laughingly joked. "Why are male omegas so complicated? It’s like someone is possessing me every month.”

  Rustom laughed. The sky had completely darkened, he could see the lights from the faraway district in full brightness like the galaxy itself had fallen down. "What, the horny spirits of our ancestors?”

  “Very funny. Why don’t we trade places?”

  Rustom laughed at that. "No can do. I’m alpha through and through."

  They grew silent, except for the occasional whimpers and curses from the inside of the little room. Rustom never went into the room when Skye was in heat. There was a limit of what he could handle and he didn’t want his instincts taking over. He’d just guard outside, fending off possible unknowing alpha tourists. They feared some unknowing alpha males, mostly those who were just stopping over would get the wrong message. Unclaimed omegas who didn't want to flaunt they were in heat take suppressants. It was just their luck Skye was allergic it nearly killed him.

  "Oh God..." Skye whimpered. "I'm so fucking hard."

  Rustom snorted. "Jerk it off. Like you don't know what to do."

  "For your information, I've done it five times this afternoon and I'm still as hard as a fucking rod."

  Rustom laughed out loud. "God, this sounds like phone sex."

  "Why? Have you ever done it?"

  Rustom let the silence answer the question.

  "You did not!" Skye exclaimed. "When? Who?"

  "How old do you think I am? You're not the only one who needs release," Rustom replied, focusing on the night sky. "It's nobody. This blond human male bartender a few nights ago."

  "Shit. Supreme Alpha's phone sex. Tell me about it."

  "I'm not sharing my casual phone sex, even if it’s to my goddamn horny best friend."

  Rustom glanced behind him, obviously he expected to see the cracking wall. The thumping on the other side grew a bit louder. Skye must be pounding something against it, hopefully not his head.

  "Sorry. You have a lot of things to do but you’re losing sleep over this," Skye said after some time.

  He didn’t let other enforcers guard Skye either. Because although he trusted them, most enforcers were alphas. They don’t work and guard a specific someone if it wasn’t of district safety measures just because he tells them. This was more of a personal commitment for him. A close-tied matter he wanted to see through.

  "This is nothing. What use is having a supreme alpha for a best friend if I can’t even guard you in your most vulnerable?"

  "Hmm, thanks. At least you’re useful to me sometimes."

  They talked about everything the entire night, all pertaining to nothing. And by the time the sun had peaked out from its resting places again, painting streaks of breathtaking pinks over the navy and teasing light blues, the almost intolerable scent that could hit any alpha straight at their faces and make them lose all rational thinking had gone to an immensely steadier state. Still sweet. Still inviting. But it wasn't something heady and calling for sex anymore.

  Rustom must have dozed a bit. Skye pushed the windows open with a force startling him. He looked up from his sitting space and saw Skye peering down at him. Blue eyes bright and refreshed, his lips with a wide grin. Skye was clearly showered, cheeks-flushed and Rustom just knew what would be the first words off that mouth.

  "God I'm hungry."

  Rustom stood laughing. He planted a hand against the wall, balancing himself so he wouldn't fall down from the narrow awning. He regarded Skye with a welcoming smirk.

  "Your hair's back."

  "Yeah," the other nodded, brushing his fingers over his still damp ebony hair. "I was starting to worry the blond color would stay till my birthday but they all washed away earlier thankfully. Didn't want to look like a straw in that Allied Districts event."

  "So... food?" Rustom asked with a grin.

  "Food. Definitely."

  Rustom jumped down from the awning and waited for Skye to come out from the door. Jostling and making fun of each other, they made a run for Jame's house where home-cooked meals would surely be waiting.

  He was waiting by the porch. Humming together with the little birds perched on the still young olive tree beside his bungalow, he carefully smoothed down the perfect lines of his white dress shirt, the cuffs pinned with
the Sierra Nadre district's symbol of two arrows. It was something he wore with pride. Not only because it symbolized where he belonged, but because it was given by Rustom himself.

  Skye glanced over his shoulder. The glass of his window gave him a tiny reflection of himself. The sky was still bright, but soon it would turn to dusk. He let his hair fall over his eyes. Each gentle breeze he was sure would serve like faint curtains framing his whole face. His body was toned, fit. He didn't even have to check that his dark blue trousers nicely fitted and emphasized his backside without appearing like an eager slut.

  "I'll confess. Or not?" he asked the air. The birds replied in an uneven chirp.

  He lifted his gaze to the sky, knowing the answer wasn't hanging like a fruit he could just grasp. "It's my birthday. This is more or less a date. It's a good opportunity right?"

  Again, the birds replied, although this time they sounded impatient, almost like telling him he was an idiot.

  "Hey Rustom," he said as he straightened his back. He tried imagining himself standing before Rustom. He could picture it in his mind. Him, before his dream alpha. Dark sky. Stars. Nothing else mattered but just them two. It was freaking perfect. But Skye snapped his head back out of his dreamland irritably. "I don't know where to start. How would I open that up without sounding like a cheesy, unoriginal idiot?"

  He pretended picking up a glass of wine. "Maybe I should drink a glass or two first?" he queried his non existent server. "Then when I'm a bit tipsy, I'd drag him somewhere more secluded..."

  His chest just contracted in a way he was all too familiar with. Rustom's scent was so close by. It was like waiting for the very sun to emerge before his small open driveway. It was strong, but at the same time gentle, and when he inhaled just a bit deeper, the forests of raw beauty and danger would come to light.

  To his credit, the chaos in his heart wasn't obvious on his face.


  Skye blinked. Twice, thrice and continued doing so until he was sure that he wasn't in some alter space his mind just created out of nowhere. He left the porch and went to meet Rustom at the end of his driveway. Eyes wide, he knew for a fact he was soon about drooling.

  Rustom didn't do anything out of his usual semi casuals. But that simply brushed back hair gave him a slightly devilish appearance. Didn't help that the dark tones of his clothes only brought out the honey complexion of the man's athletic physique.

  "Uh..." Skye cleared his throat. "Nice."

  Rustom peered at him with a frown, though his gorgeous lips were in a satisfied smile. "I know. No need for flattery. Thank you. I'm so fucking dashingly handsome."

  Skye ended up snorting. "Yeah sure. Before you opened your mouth and started talking."

  Rustom gave him a smug smirk as he casually draped his arm over Skye's shoulders. “You’re the shittiest liar Skye,” he added as he steered towards the direction where a beat-up, but well loved pick-up truck was waiting. "I'd rather enjoy at least the ride to freaking Alarcon territory. So if you have complaints with the ride, just shut it."

  He elbowed Rustom. "You know I love your truck."

  "Yeah. Damn, sometimes I wish I have some body double to pose for me during events like these."

  "You wish."

  "Anyway," Rustom tugged tighter, bringing Skye closer to his chest. "You sure aren't looking bad yourself. Hoping to find any alpha there?"

  Skye scowled but swept the look off his face right away. "I need to measure up to my alpha date at least."

  "Which reminds me," Rustom whispered as he opened the door to the driver's side.

  To Skye's surprise, Rustom shoved him into the driver's seat. Satisfied with Skye’s confusion, the man then smirked. "Happy birthday. I know you couldn't still pass that damn easy driver's exam. But just for today, I'm letting you drive."

  Skye stared back at Rustom, searching the brown-golden gaze for any hint that he was just being tricked. But Rustom nodded, ran to the passenger seat, buckled up, and exaggeratedly held on to the roof handle as if his life depended on it.

  "Just make sure we arrive at the event all in one piece, okay?"

  He swallowed. "Uhm. Thanks. You sure—"

  Rustom chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Go ahead. Hit the gas and start driving," Rustom encouraged. "If something goes wrong with the wheel, I'll take it. You're safe."

  Skye laughed nervously. He wasn't nervous about the drive though. Deep inside he was so warm all over he could feel the corners of his eyes water. Everything of Rustom, his words, his actions, his easy encouraging smiles, no doubt always headed straight to Skye’s chest. How could he fall any deeper than he already was?

  * * * *

  The Allied Districts event, celebrating its 49th foundation was being hosted by the Alarcon District. Even in the modernization of both human and shifter societies, some remain in the thought that one should prevail over the other. That shifters were above humans and should thus rule. Allied Districts were all shifter districts that purely believed in equality. And as its 49th foundation anniversary, the new member was chosen to be the host.

  Everywhere Skye looked, the roof top of the hotel was primed for serving the cream of the crop. Minimal but elegant set-ups. Arrangements were subtle but spoke of well spent money. Soft music played in the background. Endless drinks and foods. Pack leaders, district supreme alphas and their mates, and mostly and not entirely surprising were the many numbers of unclaimed female omegas in all the glory of their fabulous party dresses.

  Skye gazed down to where his right hand was. His cheeks were burning in happiness and pride. Rustom had laced their fingers together as they pushed their way into the gathering, towards the direction of refreshments. Sure it was an act to show Rustom was not interested in any marriage proposal. But Skye was relishing the idea of being the object of envy around.

  Soon enough, this won't be an act any longer, he thought.

  "Rustom Vera, late as usual." The voice came from behind them.

  Rustom turned around, grinned and hurriedly extended his large hand to the alpha female. Skye wasn't all that familiar with everybody but this lady, he knew.

  She was the supreme alpha of her district by challenging their previous barbaric supreme alpha. She tore him into pieces and was currently locked up for his vile crimes. She was in her early forties. Strongly built and had a square jaw. Right beside her was a female omega. She was pretty and delicate. Skye thought at first she could be a sister or a friend. But as Supreme Alpha Delma caged the little female omega in her arms, Skye felt a rather prick of longing. He wanted something like that for himself.

  "You lost Vera," the woman teased. "You said you'd manage to be early this time. You're thirty minutes late."

  Rustom threw Skye a mock accusing look. "Because this guy nearly drove us off a bridge. It's his fault."

  "Oh..." the woman turned to Skye, smiling and assessing. "Wow, male omega, are you not?"

  Skye nodded, slightly uncomfortable.

  "Didn't see you here last time."

  Rustom raised their hands together. "Skye, this is Delma, supreme alpha of Sierra Hari. The pretty young lady here is Sophie. Delma, Sophie, this is Skye. He's my date tonight so fess off."

  The woman laughed. "Like I don't know you and your adventure of escaping tons of claiming proposals. Which," she paused to look around, "I doubt you'd be able to get free of tonight whether you have a date or none. At least not until you show them an omega with your claiming mark instead of just ‘dates’.”

  Skye smiled tightly. She had a point. Rustom was among the popular supreme alphas, not only because he was real good at leading, but because he was among the younger ones. Some supreme alphas were at their fifties and sixties together with their own life partners. Obviously those people were off the list.

  “Get off my back Delma and focus on your own mate.”

  “Oh I will focus on her tonight. If you know what I mean.”

  Eventually, Delma grew tired of harassing Rustom and left them with a

  “Skye,” Rustom called in a soft voice. “She’s really tactless. But she doesn’t mean any harm. She doesn’t know you, just let all her crass comments slide. Okay? She’s a really cool woman, one of the few I could tolerate in this gathering. Besides, I think having you around is helping. I don’t get as much claiming talk as I did last year.”

  Skye nodded and tightened his grip on Rustom’s hand. Rustom smiled assuringly and they went deeper into the gathering to meet and greet the others. By the time Rustom was done, Skye was beat.

  “Argh. I don’t envy you for being the supreme alpha. Not at all,” Skye whispered to Rustom’s ear. They were still hand in hand, acting all flirtatious. All the usual drill to send an old alpha with his omega daughter away.

  Rustom inclined his head closer to Skye while chuckling. “Honestly, my jaws are gonna fall off any moment.”

  Watching the bodies in the crowd fall into a seductive sway, everything would have been perfect had he not seen a familiar piercing gray eyes not far from them. “Of course Adviser Tiago is here glaring at me,” Skye whispered with a roll of his eyes. “What in the world led me into thinking I wouldn’t see him here?”

  Rustom placed his drink down on the side of one table and gently led Skye into the slightly crowded dance floor. The supreme alpha had the most playful smirk on his lips as he tugged Skye closer to his chest. “Well, you could go spend the rest of the evening worrying about Adviser Tiago. Or we can both enjoy the dance floor for a change.”

  Hesitantly, Skye lifted his hands and rested them on Rustom’s wide shoulders. “Let’s do the latter please.”

  With their bodies pressed to each other, they started dancing. To the tune of the mellow and soft music, to every hit of piano keys mingling and riding the saxophones. The strong hands on his waist made Skye’s skin crawl. But he savored the heat and every single second. Occasionally Rustom’s gaze would wander around, but each time he’d be back to looking at Skye with a smile. It was breathtaking.